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Business Badassery Podcast

Dec 21, 2020

In this episode, we dive into an elephant in the room type situation with a client, a copywriter, and a graphic designer. We talk about the importance of context, working with the client when the relationship has changed, something called the "what-if-ometer", and what to do when knowledge and skill alone can't lead you...

Dec 14, 2020

In this episode, we help a business owner who's ready to come out on their own after building their skills subcontracting through a big name in their space, but who is a little wobbly when it comes to landing clients.

We share what clients are really buying on the sales call, how to demonstrate your value without a...

Dec 7, 2020

In this episode, we talk about the sticky issue of maternity leave. When do you tell your clients? How do you handle it? What do you do if you're on retainer? What do you do if you're planning to take time off and how much time? What if you work with subcontractors? Can you hand things off to them? And if so, how?
